Lloyd Rochester's Geek Blog

Systemd: A Service and a Socket

This is the third post on how to create a service in systemd. See the first post to create a autotools project and start/stop a daemon service. Or the second post to enable logging, notify of state changes and accept reloads. In this post we’ll create a Unix Domain Socket so that other processes can send messages to our service through remote procedure calls.

The socket we will use in this post is a Unix Socket with domain AF_UNIX of type SOCK_DGRAM. This type of socket is well suited for example purposes and is also ideal for remote procedure call applications. It is limited to communication on the same host, not over the internet. Unix Domain sockets are always reliable and are guaranteed to be delivered in order without duplication. Since this example uses a datagram socket we can receive the full message on each reception. Typically, the size of a datagram socket is under 2048 bytes see socket(7) and look for the SO_SNDBUF option for more details on maximum datagram size.

Dependencies in Systemd

We will start with a systemd.service(5). This is just a simple daemon process that will run where we specify the executable binary.

# foo.service
Description=A Example Systemd Service


and a systemd.socket(5)

# foo.socket
Description=An Example Systemd Socket


We will create a dependency that the service needs to be created AFTER the socket. Why? Because we’re going to have systemd create the socket. Inside our service we’re going to use the sd_listen_fds(3) function to get the file descriptor that systemd created for us. When our service comes to life it will ask systemd for it’s socket and get back a file descriptor and optionally the name tied to this file descriptor. Hence, the service will depend on the socket.

Before we go into the Weeds

Before we get into the details of dependencies in systemd let’s discuss our requirements for our socket and service.

To me this is backwards, but we need to start the socket first and it will pass the file descriptor to the service. I tried many other options to no avail. What I really don’t like about this is we have to run systemctl start foo.socket and have to HIGHLY resist the urge to type systemctl start foo since systemctl will assume the .service. It’s just not intuitive, at least to me.

If you find a way to start the service without having to start the socket first - please send me an email.

Not ideal! Let’s continue.

Dependencies in Systemd

In systemd a unit is defined as all of these:

Note, we’re only concerned here with the service and socket unit types in this post.

We can have units depend on other units. Here are some options for Wants=, Requires=, Requisite=, BindsTo=, PartOf=, Conflicts=, Before=,After=. These go in the [Unit] section of the file.

# foo.service
Description=A Example Systemd Service
# Dependencies go in the [Unit] Section
Wants=anotherservice.service againaservice.service yetanotherservice.service

The example above is called the configuring service. Now let’s look at these unit options in regards to dependencies.

These options can be very tricky when you have multiple units defined. Not only do you have to be very careful on which unit you put the dependency in, but the naming is a little misleading as well. Take for example PartOf=. The PartOf= specifies the starting and stopping of a unit? Huh? The name of that setting doesn’t line up so well with what it does!

Implicit and Default Dependencies

The systemd software suite has Implicit and Default Dependencies. This is to clean up the configuration files and to build in some obvious and command programming patterns.

For example on systemd.socket(5) we have “For each socket unit, a matching service unit must exist, describing the service to start on incoming traffic on the socket (see systemd.service(5) for more information about .service units). The name of the .service unit is by default the same as the name of the .socket unit, but can be altered with the Service= option described below. Depending on the setting of the Accept= option described below, this .service unit must either be named like the .socket unit, but with the suffix replaced, unless overridden with Service=; or it must be a template unit named the same way. Example: a socket file foo.socket needs a matching service foo.service if Accept=no is set. If Accept=yes is set, a service template foo@.service must exist from which services are instantiated for each incoming connection.

We are not going to spin up a service on each connection and will have our service always listening to the socket. Thus, we opt for the default Accept=no.

We also have the following “No implicit WantedBy= or RequiredBy= dependency from the socket to the service is added. This means that the service may be started without the socket, in which case it must be able to open sockets by itself. To prevent this, an explicit Requires= dependency may be added.

Implicit Dependencies

The following dependencies are implicitly added:

Modify the Service to Depend on the Socket

After the fine details on dependencies what does this look like now?

The foo.socket is the primary service which requires the foo.service starts after it. The foo.service is bound to the foo.socket and it will stop when it stops.

# foo.service
Description=A Example Systemd Service

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
# foo.socket
Description=An Example Systemd Socket


We will see how the dependencies work in the section below.

Starting and Stopping our Services

We must start the socket, which will in turn start the service. Let’s see how this works:

$ systemctl start foo.socket
$ systemctl status foo.socket
● foo.socket - An Example Systemd Socket
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/foo.socket; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-06-27 15:25:32 BST; 2s ago
   Listen: /var/run/foo.socket (Datagram)
   CGroup: /system.slice/foo.socket

Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 systemd[1]: Listening on An Example Systemd Socket.
$ ls -l /var/run/foo.socket
srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 15:25 /var/run/foo.socket
$ systemctl status foo
● foo.service - A Example Systemd Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/foo.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-06-27 15:25:32 BST; 13s ago
 Main PID: 8290 (foo)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 2077)
   Memory: 204.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/foo.service
           └─8290 /usr/local/bin/foo

Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  LISTEN_PID=8290
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  LISTEN_FDS=1
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  LISTEN_FDNAMES=foo.socket
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  INVOCATION_ID=4001ab75aff64aa2a6e337635f80db97
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  JOURNAL_STREAM=8:284605
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]: foo service started
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]: File Descriptor names are:
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  foo.socket
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 systemd[1]: Started A Example Systemd Service.

This will start both the socket and the service. This is because we have Requires=foo.service in our foo.socket.

When we stop our socket the service will also stop.

$ systemctl stop foo.socket
$ systemctl status foo.socket
● foo.socket - An Example Systemd Socket
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/foo.socket; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
   Listen: /var/run/foo.socket (Datagram)

Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 systemd[1]: Listening on An Example Systemd Socket.
Jun 27 15:26:51 pi2 systemd[1]: foo.socket: Succeeded.
Jun 27 15:26:51 pi2 systemd[1]: Closed An Example Systemd Socket.
$ systemctl status foo
● foo.service - A Example Systemd Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/foo.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  INVOCATION_ID=4001ab75aff64aa2a6e337635f80db97
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  JOURNAL_STREAM=8:284605
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]: foo service started
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]: File Descriptor names are:
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 foo[8290]:  foo.socket
Jun 27 15:25:32 pi2 systemd[1]: Started A Example Systemd Service.
Jun 27 15:26:51 pi2 systemd[1]: Stopping A Example Systemd Service...
Jun 27 15:26:51 pi2 systemd[1]: foo.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
Jun 27 15:26:51 pi2 systemd[1]: foo.service: Succeeded.
Jun 27 15:26:51 pi2 systemd[1]: Stopped A Example Systemd Service.

This will also stop the service because of our PartOf=foo.socket in the foo.service file. Note, the /var/run/foo.socket stays around when we stop the socket.

Again, don’t start just the service or it will be left hanging without a socket.

$ systemctl start foo
Job for foo.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status foo.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
$ systemctl status foo
● foo.service - A Example Systemd Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/foo.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2020-06-27 15:28:30 BST; 5s ago
  Process: 8421 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/foo (code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION)
 Main PID: 8421 (code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION)

Jun 27 15:28:30 pi2 foo[8421]: foo service started
Jun 27 15:28:30 pi2 foo[8421]: Unable to find any file descriptors
Jun 27 15:28:30 pi2 foo[8421]: Unable to get file descriptor for socket
Jun 27 15:28:30 pi2 systemd[1]: foo.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION
Jun 27 15:28:30 pi2 systemd[1]: foo.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 27 15:28:30 pi2 systemd[1]: Failed to start A Example Systemd Service.

C Code for our Service

This code will

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <systemd/sd-daemon.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define BUF_SIZE 1024

extern char **environ;

  char *s = *environ;
  int i = 1;

  fprintf(stderr, SD_INFO "Environment: \n");
  for (; s; i++) {
    fprintf(stderr, SD_INFO " %s\n", s);
    s = *(environ+i);

int get_sockfd()
  // array of strings value-result argument
  char **names = NULL;
  int num_fds;
  int sockfd; // what we'll return

  sockfd = -1;
  num_fds = sd_listen_fds_with_names(0, &names);
  if(num_fds < 0)
    return 1;

  // this also works but we don't get the name of the fd
  // num_fds = sd_listen_fds(0);

  if(num_fds == 0 || names == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, SD_WARNING "Unable to find any file descriptors");
    return -1;

  fprintf(stderr, SD_NOTICE "File Descriptor names are:\n");
  for(int i=0; i<num_fds; i++)
    fprintf(stderr, SD_NOTICE " %s\n", names[i]);
    if(sd_is_socket_unix(i+SD_LISTEN_FDS_START, -1, SOCK_DGRAM, (const char*) names[i], strlen(names[i])))
      sockfd = i+SD_LISTEN_FDS_START;

  return sockfd;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int sockfd; // we will get this from systemd and it will be foo.socket
  struct sockaddr_un client; // unix domain socket client address
  socklen_t addrlen;
  ssize_t num_bytes; // bytes received from the socket
  char buf[BUF_SIZE]; // buffer to receive from socket


  fprintf(stderr, SD_NOTICE "foo service started\n");

  sockfd = get_sockfd();
  if(sockfd == -1)
    fprintf(stdout, SD_ERR "Unable to get file descriptor for socket\n");
    sd_notify(0, "STOPPING=1");
    return -1;

  // tell the service manager we're in the ready state
  sd_notify(0, "READY=1");
    num_bytes = recvfrom(sockfd, buf, BUF_SIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &client, &addrlen);
    if(num_bytes == -1)
      perror("error receiving from unix domain socket");
    buf[num_bytes] = '\0';
    fprintf(stderr, SD_NOTICE "Received %ld bytes from %s: %s\n", num_bytes, client.sun_path, buf);

  return 0;

Running the Example

Now let’s send something to the socket and see it work. Here is an example Python snippet named foocl:


import socket
import sys
import os, os.path
import time

ssock_file = "/var/run/foo.socket"
csock_file = "/home/pi/foo.client.socket"

if os.path.exists(csock_file):

csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

print("sending", sys.argv[1])
csock.sendto(str.encode(sys.argv[1]), ssock_file)

if os.path.exists(csock_file):

With our service started and looking at the syslog:

$ foocl hello
sending hello
$ foocl world
sending world

We can see:

Jun 27 15:58:41 pi2 foo[12019]: Received 5 bytes from /home/pi/foo.client.socket: hello
Jun 27 15:58:44 pi2 foo[12019]: Received 5 bytes from /home/pi/foo.client.socket: world

Download foo-1.2 example. It is the full distribution with all the autotools code. Here is how to get started on it.

$ wget http://lloydrochester.com/code/foo-1.2.tar.gz
$ tar zxf foo-1.2.tar.gz
$ cd foo
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start foo.socket