Lloyd Rochester's Geek Blog

Read a File into an Array in C

In this post we’ll explore how to read a file into an array of strings. Doing this in C isn’t as trivial as it maybe in other languages because of memory allocation and the dynamic nature of a text file. The file will be read into a jagged array. This program uses realloc(3) to make the most efficient use of the heap possible.

Skip the background and go directly to the code.

Alligator Teeth

I think of Alligator teeth when thinking of a jagged array as each tooth is a different size and length.

The Jagged Array

We want to read the file into an array of strings. What structure in C represents this file with the highest efficiency and least amount of memory usage? An array of pointers where each pointer will point to a null-terminated char * - or string as it is called in C. A text file is a highly dynamic data structure because of both the number of lines and the length of each line. Essentially, an efficient way to represent a text file is with a jagged array.

Let’s say we have the following file:


This file is 3 lines long and is 9 bytes total since each line ends with a newline. Thus, we’re going to have a jagged array that has 3+1 pointers for each line. The last pointer’s value will be null so we can determine the end. The first three pointers will point to strings in memory. Here is an example of how it looks in memory.

Index Line Pointer Value String
0 1 0x1000 a\n\0
1 2 0x1003 bc\n\0
2 3 0x1007 def\n\0
3 - null

Let’s take an example in C for the file above.

// file jagged.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *lines[4];
  int line = 1;

  lines[0] = "a";
  lines[1] = "bc";
  lines[2] = "def";
  lines[3] = NULL;

  for(char **str = lines; *str != NULL; str++)
    printf("line %d, address %p, length: %ld, value: %s\n", line++, str, strlen(*str), *str);

  return 0;

Running this code will produce:

$ ./jagged
line 1, address 0x7ffe00f50bb0, length: 2, value: a
line 2, address 0x7ffe00f50bb8, length: 3, value: bc
line 3, address 0x7ffe00f50bc0, length: 4, value: def

Note, the memory addresses are real, whereas, the example above with 0x1000 addresses is made-up. From this example we see that malloc will align to 8-byte boundaries. Note 0xc0-0xb8=8.

The Code

Here is the code to read a file into a jagged array of strings in C. For input, the program takes one command line argument. This argument is the file to read and print. For output, the program will print the lines to standard out with line numbers and some diagnostic lines.

Usage is as follows:

./file2strings <file-to-read-and-print>

I’ll let the code speak for itself except for a couple of fine points

As far as realloc(3) goes it’s typically not expensive at all. It will just expand the heap and return. However, there are cases where re-allocating memory would need to copy the entire contents of the memory to another location. In this case to copy over the contents of a large chuck of memory would be expensive.

See my post on Understanding memory reallocation with realloc.

// filename file2strings.c
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

Our array of interest. This will be an array with pointers to malloc'd char buffers.
These lines will contain newlines at the end.
char **lines;

Read the number of lines from a file that is numbytes long.
read_lines(FILE *file, long numbytes)
    long numlines_allocated;
    char **ptr;
    ssize_t numchars;
    size_t maxbytes = 0;
    int numlines = 0;
    size_t initial_guess = numbytes / 8 * sizeof(char *);
    size_t buffer_increment = 512 * sizeof(char *);
    numlines_allocated = initial_guess;

    printf("allocating %ld bytes\n", numlines_allocated);

    lines = malloc(numlines_allocated);
    ptr = lines;

    while((numchars = getline(ptr, &maxbytes, file)) != -1)
        ptr++; numlines++;

            Though we passed 0 to getline after the call
            it will be set the number of bytes it allocated.
            The value set appears to be powers of 2.
        maxbytes = 0;

        if(numlines > (numlines_allocated/sizeof(char *)))
            puts("allocating more buffer");
            lines = realloc(lines, numlines_allocated + buffer_increment);
            if(lines == NULL)
                return -1;
            numlines_allocated += buffer_increment;
            ptr = lines+numlines;


    // we know to stop by setting the last string pointer to null
    *(ptr) = 0;

    // resize the array to the number of lines read + 1
    lines = realloc(lines, sizeof(char *)*(numlines+1));

    return numlines;

print_lines(char **strings)
    char **ptr;
    int count = 1;
    for(ptr = strings; *ptr != NULL; ptr++)
        printf("%3d %s", count++, *ptr);

free_lines(char **lines)
    for(char **ptr = lines; *ptr != NULL; ptr++)

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *filename;
    long filesize, numlines;
    int err;
    if(argc != 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    filename = argv[1];
    FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
    if(file == NULL)
        perror("fopen: ");
        return 2;

    err = fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
        perror("fseek: ");
        return err;

    filesize = ftell(file);
    if(filesize == -1L)
        perror("ftell: ");
        return -1;

    printf("filesize is %ld bytes\n", filesize);


    numlines = read_lines(file, filesize);

    printf("file is %ld lines long\n", numlines);


    return 0;

Example Makefile

Here is the makefile I used for the program above named file2strings.c.

file2strings: file2strings.c
        gcc -g -O0 -Wall -Werror -o file2strings file2strings.c

        rm file2strings